Warlocks are characters from the 2000 AD strip Nemesis the Warlock. They are a species of powerful aliens from the Nether Worlds who possess strong dark magic, with many of them worshipping the god of Khaos. Despite their immense power they mostly adopt an isolationist attitude towards the rest of the universe, preferring not to get involved in the affairs of aliens even when one species (humanity) is terrorising all the others.
Male Warlocks are humanoid (to an extent), whereas the more powerful female Warlocks are centaur-like. Male Warlocks may have horns, antlers or wings, and at least one has been seen to have the head of a serpent. If a Warlock has a familiar, the familiar may resemble the Warlock in some way (e.g. hair length and colour, or body mass index).
Warlocks live for hundreds of years. The male called Ashtar once held a party that lasted for three years, which suggests that either Warlocks perceive time differently from humans, or they really enjoy carousing. Recently the species has been in decline, with the hatching of children becoming worryingly infrequent. To hatch a Warlock egg, the parents must breath fire on its tough, warty shell. The sex of the child cannot be determined until it has hatched.
It isn't clear whether or not female Warlocks breastfeed their young, as terrestrial mammals do. Female Warlocks appear to have breasts but no nipples, so the question is moot.
The most famous member of the species was Nemesis the Warlock who led the resistance group Credo, fighting against the anti-alien bigot Torquemada. Other Warlocks include Nemesis' father Thoth; Nemesis' son of the same name; his Great Uncle Baal; Chira his first wife; Magna his very brief second wife; and Magna's father Ashtar.
Powers and abilities[]
Warlocks seem to have varying degrees of powers. Some have the power of levitation like Ashtar did once, or acidic blood like Chira. Seemingly the most puissant of them was Nemesis, who showed a great range of powers.
Scheming; plotting; gossiping; taming Blitzspears.
Strength level
Each other.
Magical paraphernalia such as staffs.
Lances; swords; axes.
- Appearances of Warlocks
- Character Gallery: Warlocks
- Images that feature Warlocks
- Fan-Art Gallery: Warlocks
- Warlocks quotations