The Wally Squad, part of Justice Department's Undercover Operations Division, is a group of Judges who masquerade as citizens in order to investigate hidden crimes or to act as agents provocateurs. Wally Squad Judges have a penchant for disguising themselves as people who are outré and bizarre even by the standards of Mega-City One, rather than pretending to be your average munce-munching welfare recipient, and they are permitted to enter romantic relations for 'tactical' reasons. Notable members have included hobo-cum-genius Dirty Frank, whisky-drinking clown Jack Point, truculent babe-in-arms Eric 'Mortal' Coil and Aimee Nixon. Isolated from the rules, routine and uniform that form the backbone of an ordinary Judge's life, Wally Squad operatives have an unfortunate tendency to take their assumed rôles too seriously. As one Judge put it in their first ever story (see right), "The job gets to most of them in the end. They forget where the act leaves off and real life begins." This leads some of them to go rogue and dispense a version of the Law not recognised by Justice Department.
The Wally Squad and the identity of its members were a key plot point of 2000 AD's three-way crossover Trifecta.
The Wally Squad first appeared in 2000 AD prog 390. They were created by John Wagner, Alan Grant and Brett Ewins.