Albion British Comics Database Wiki
Real name
Vlad Dracul
Current alias
Count Vlad Dracula; Count Dracul; Vlad the Impaler; Lord of the Vampires
Domini (wife, separated); Janus (son); Lilith Drake (daughter); Draculass (alleged daughter); Frank Drake (descendant)
Base of operations

Unusual features
First appearance


Count Dracula, who may have been born Vlad Tepes or Vlad Dracul, was a nobleman from the benighted region of Transylvania, now a part of Romania. He had a reputation for cruelty long before he became a vampire and began feeding off the blood of humans, a disagreeable habit which probably cost him what few remaining friends he had. Dracula has been around for centuries now, living in his castle surrounded by vampiric seductresses with a penchant for wearing diaphanous nightdresses (the vampire women, that is; he'd just look weird in a nightie, though admittedly his habit of wearing formal evening dress all the time is a bit odd in itself). Over the years, he has repeatedly ventured out into the world and travelled far and wide, often to Britain or America, and frequently pursued by his longtime foes the Van Helsing family, amongst others. He has been apparently killed several times, but always seems to turn up again eventually. He has also met Spider-Man, the X-Men, Captain Britain and MI-13 and the Avengers and is apparently an old foe of Father Shandor, as well as having been one of the stars of short lived horror title Scream!. Basically, he gets about a bit!

Powers and abilities[]


Undead, therefore functionally immortal (if this isn't a contradiction); able to turn others into vampires by biting them; able to command bats, wolves and rodents (and presumably other small animals, though how much use being able to command squirrels could be is debatable).


He can turn into a bat, a wolf, or mist. He can control people's minds, if they are caught off guard or are naturally susceptible.

Strength level



Dracula needs to feed on blood regularly in order to survive. He can be killed by a stake through the heart (but then, so could anyone else), and has an aversion to garlic (and therefore to French cooking) and to crossing running water (so the best way to stay off his radar is to move to Venice). He also appears to be allergic to holy water, and cannot approach a religious symbol if its holder actually believes in it. Booze, however, is not one of his weaknesses. As he has been known to remark, "I do not drink... wine."



He can fly.


Dracula has appeared in comics from numerous publishers, notably including Marvel UK, who published Dracula Lives, Dracula Summer Special and the Dracula Lives Special Edition. He has also appeared in Mighty World of Marvel, Marvel Comic, Planet of the Apes, Halls of Horror, House of Hammer, Nightmare Summer Special, The Dracula File and Chiller. In 2016, he appeared in Rebellion's Scream! & Misty Halloween Special Vol 1 1. There was also a Dracula title published by the New English Library in 1972, but rather oddly, Drac himself didn't appear in it!


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