Vortigen: "Hear this... no spell on Earth can keep the Walker from his rightful destination!" Hulk Comic #6.
Vortigen: "He who is not prepared to give, must be prepared to lose!" Hulk Comic #10.
Milkman: "Oi tell you, mate... me blood nearly froze when oi see that bloke, great big 'un he was... all bearded and fierce looking... loike summat out of 'orror film!" Hulk Comic #11.
Cormac: "You are only half the man you were! Your staff is gone... snapped like a rotten twig by my iron monster!"
Vortigen: "That may be so... but I can still fight you like a man... blow for blow, steel for steel..." Hulk Comic #17.
Vortigen: "Let us be away, Herne my friend... the paths of Otherworld await us!" Hulk Comic #60.
Merlyn: "Forward, my brethren, let the battle rage!!"
Vortigen: "ATTACK!!" Hulk Comic #61.
Balor: "What madness is this? Bare flesh against a sword?"
Vortigen: "'Tis the madness of grief, Balor... and so I command you... BEGONE!! As for thee, carrion... get thee hence! Darken the fair realm with your presence no more!" Hulk Comic #62.
Vortigen: "My lord! I offer you my kingdom... far from the eyes of men or demons! We shall build Camelot anew!"
King Arthur: "Well said, Vortigen! So be it!" Hulk Comic #63.