Albion British Comics Database Wiki

By Warren Pleece

Vince Sergeant: "Let's get one thing clear, 'mate', right from the start — I'm not your pal, your bud or your boyfriend. Slamboarding is the most vicious contact sport ever devised. Nineteen percent of new players are crippled or killed in their first year — if you want to bond with someone, then move in with your mother. Anyone who wants to bail out had better do it now. I'm going to train you so hard during the next few weeks... ...that you'll wish you had never been born!" 2000 AD prog 1424.

Vince Sergeant: "Son, I was Slamboarding off-world against sentient cockroaches when you were just a stain in your daddy's jock-strap — I don't need lets to kick your arse, you light-fingered little shit." 2000 AD prog 1429.

Sports reporter: "Today's win means they'll be playing off-world next season — how do you feel about that, coach?"

Vince Sergeant: "I'm over the moon, Barry." 2000 AD prog 1431.
