Albion British Comics Database Wiki
2000 AD prog 1669 cover

Ian Edginton: "I deliberately wanted the villain to be the hero. I wanted him to be roguish, charismatic and blissfully amoral." Bleeding Cool interview.

Children's rhyme: "Run, run, run, just as fast as you can! Run and hide from the stickleback man! He comes with a hook and he comes with a shiv! Don't look back or he'll do you in!" 2000 AD prog 1518.

Stickleback: "I gives the people precisely what they want... me doxies are clean, me gin ain't watered, and me opium ain't cut with rat shit an' sawdust like some I could mention. I provides a fair service at a fair price." Ibid.

Doctor Orlando Doyle: "This... wretched shadow is not you. You are lost, broken, concealing your pain behind this... travesty!" 2000 AD prog 1824.

Miss Scarlet: "You've not been yourself since you came back from the dead." 2000 AD prog 1901.

Bullish: "I thought you were dead."

Stickleback: "I got better." 2000 AD prog 1902.

Stickleback: "Ah, peace at last. It feels funny when the nippers aren't around, don't you find? Oh, I grumble about the noise and the mess but I miss 'em when they're gone." 2000 AD prog 1903.

Stickleback (narrating): "Have no doubt, I have loved, albeit sparingly. I can count only five occasions when I have been moved to make such an admission. The first was an act of unstinting loyalty. The second... an infatuation. The third a true, brief passion. The fourth, a father's love for his child. And the fifth... the fifth has existed alongside them all. It is for this place... for London." 2000 AD prog 1904.

Stickleback: "From now on, Miss Scarlet, I'm making you my official scold and nag! You see me slippin', you've my permission to kick me into touch, no holds barred."

Miss Scarlet: "Does it come with a pay rise?"

Stickleback: "No." 2000 AD prog 1905.
