Albion British Comics Database Wiki
Skull Sword

By Massimo Belardinelli

Skull Sword: "We're looking for a barbarian and his dwarf! They committed sacrilege — they killed a time-monster!" 2000 AD prog 330.

First villager: "Slough Feg said he'd make the crops grow in return for giving him our children!"

Second villager: "He promised more food!"

Skull Sword: "There will be... ...Without your brats, there'll be less mouths to feed!" 2000 AD prog 337.

Nemon the Venomous: "How dare you enter our reclusium?"

Skull Sword: "Two of the thieves in the wickerman just died from terror, my lady. These two would make good replacements — otherwise I'll have to pick a couple of my own men." 2000 AD prog 338.

Lord Weird Slough Feg: "Shoot the offal down!"

Skull Sword: "Can't see for the smoke!" 2000 AD prog 340.
