Sir Evric: "My fever's come back! By the runes! The sooner we take this castle and get off this accursed planet, the better!" 2000 AD prog 339.
Sir Evric: "Can't you keep the noise down? I've got one of my migraines!" 2000 AD prog 340.
Sir Balin: "You're wrong, father. You and the other Terminators, you're all eaten up with hate and fear of the unknown."
Sir Evric: "Don't you talk to your father like that! I'm entitled to some respect! I'm sick with alien fever... I've got a siege engineer who's going to stab me in the back... and now my son's turning into a weirdo! I've only one consolation... things can't get any worse!" 2000 AD prog 344.
Sir Evric: "I wish I wasn't so old and tired... when I was younger, I used to really enjoy killing deviants... but my heart's not in it anymore... all that green alien blood everywhere... blech!"
Nemesis the Warlock: "Yes. It must be most distressing for you." 2000 AD prog 345.
Sir Evric: "You wanted to see me, Torquemada? And before you start... let me tell you — I'm not afraid of you anymore! You're just a phantom! You're... nothing! You want to know something, ‘Grand Master’? I think you're pathetic!" 2000 AD prog 346.
Sir Evric: "Pah! That's what I say to you, Torquemada... pah!" 2000 AD prog 347.