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Albion British Comics Database Wiki

By Cat Sullivan

Earthlet Kevin Hall: "A special mention has to go to the unsung heroes and heroines of the prog. I'm talking firstly of Cat Sullivan's continued work on the fabulously funny and gorgeously monochrome Droid Life — the continuing adventures of P14 and Crumbs tickle the funny bone and should be in every issue, such is the quality of the writing and art." Letter published in 2000 AD prog 2034.

P14 (addressing robot carol singers): "You're robots, dressed as Victorians, going door-to-door to sing about a sprog born in the Middle East two thousand years ago! Where's the internal logic in that? What's your unifying concept? What are you supposed to be? Acapella steampunks advertising barnyard-themed childcare? A time-travelling cybernetic glee club that's really into pre-industrial West-Asian neonatology? In what drugs-addled fugue state does this make the slightest bloody sense?" 2000 AD prog 2061.
