![Old One Eye](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/britishcomics/images/b/b6/Old_One_Eye.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20160629141756)
Narrator: "Old One Eye squawked in triumph! Now she and her tyrannosaur pack would carry on looking for humans... Humans were the creatures who were wiping out the dinosaurs — depriving flesh eaters like her of their natural food. There was only one thought in Old One Eye's small brain... all humans must die!" 2000 AD prog 5.
Narrator: "One Eye turned to face her attacker! She didn't know it was her own SON! In her long life, Old One Eye had given birth to many... the death of one meant nothing to her!" 2000 AD prog 6.
Narrator: "Old One Eye no longer killed for food... she had gone completely mad!" 2000 AD prog 7.