Dan Abnett: "Issues of migration, xenophobia, prejudice and sovereignty were strong in 2012 when the strip began, and were probably why it began. Six years on, the fact that they seem even more relevant isn't prophetic. It's just sad." Introduction to Grey Area trade paperback.
Captain Janzen: "What's his name?"
Kymn: "Hard to say."
Captain Janzen: "Ask him, Kymn. That's your damn job."
Kymn: "No, really, Captain Janzen. It's hard to say. It's an arrangement of pheromonal syllables." 2000 AD prog 2012 (published December 2011).
Kymn (discussing Birdy): "She's doing better than I did on my first time out."
Feo: "Why? What happened on your first day?"
Kymn: "I got married. I really wasn't as good at the translation stuff back then." Ibid.
Bulliet: "I sometimes wish I was a greeted."
Birdy: "You're kidding? And live with all that prejudice?"
Bulliet: "Look at Kymn. Learn and speak any language instantly. My job would involve a lot less fighting."
Feo: "Exos, maybe. But humans would be queuing up to smack your greeted face." 2000 AD prog 1764.
Bulliet: "That alien disease in his system makes him a universal translator. Also makes him part of the most reviled minority in the human race, so it's kinda swings and roundabouts." 2000 AD prog 1770.
Kymn (to the Harmonious Free): "The one thing a God-Star is afraid of, or will ignore, is another God-Star. So I'm begging you... re-tune your telepathy. Re-tune your harmonious freedom. Work your united minds in concert with one message. Sing its dirge back to it. I know the words. I speak God-Star. I speak everything." 2000 AD prog 1984.
Bulliet: "Think I may owe you a beer, Kymn. Think everyone on the planet owes you a beer. And not the same beer. I mean individual beers. A lot of beers, is what I'm saying."
Kymn: "Ah, it weren't no thing." 2000 AD prog 1985.
Possible Onset of Autumn (one of the Harmonious Free): "Goodbye, Human Kymn. Your mind was loud. I am glad to have heard it." 2000 AD prog 1987.
Grell (discussing aliens): "What would you know, you greeted a-hole? You're practically one of 'em."
Feo: "Permission to stick my fist down Grell's gullet and invert his rectum, boss?" 2000 AD prog 2040.