Albion British Comics Database Wiki
Kate Lethbridge-Stewart

By Brian Williamson and Hi-Fi

Kate Stewart

By Brian Williamson and Hi-Fi

The Doctor: "Are those alien menaces you keep stirring up just an elaborate way to get my attention? I'm old enough to be your great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, you know. Times ten."

Kate Lethbridge-Stewart: "That's nothing compared to the size of your ego." Doctor Who Comic #6.

Kate Lethbridge-Stewart: "Red alert! U.N.I.T has been infiltrated by forces unknown. Probably extraterrestrial. Evacuate all noncombat personnel. Put out a distress call on all channels for the Doctor." Doctor Who Comic #7.

Kate Lethbridge-Stewart: "Do you have any training for these sort of situation?"

Clara Oswald: "Oh, yeah. Got all my monster-fighting badges in the Guides."

Kate: "Sarcasm isn't a practical weapon. No firearms experience?"

Clara: "Been shot at plenty of times. Kind of occupational hazard travelling with the Doctor."

Kate: "Unarmed combat skills? Self-defence classes?"

Clara: "Does Zumba count?" Doctor Who Comic #8.

Kate Lethbridge-Stewart: "Now, now, girls, I do the cynicism round here." Tales from the TARDIS #6.
