Claw Carver: "Reagan! You finished ma town! We're all gonna die — and you're to blame! But before I die, I'm gonna have the pleasure of killing yuh personally!" 2000 AD prog 5.
Claw Carver (fighting a Deionychus): "IN A CLAW FIGHT AIN'T NOTHIN' FASTER THAN OL' CLAW CARVER!"
Narrator: "With their tiny brains, dinosaurs felt little pain — they had to be ripped to pieces to die... Claw Carver was going to do just that!" 2000 AD prog 6.
Earl Reagan: "We gotta cover hundreds of miles of jungle — with no guns. We'll be fighting dinosaurs on their own terms. But I got my knife..."
Claw Carver: "...And I got my claw. We'll make it!" 2000 AD prog 7.
Claw Carver: "I think of Claw Carver first, second — all the way down the line... and I'm gonna be rich... have meself a real ball..." 2000 AD prog 17.
Pastor Sunday: "We'd best get back. It's chow time."
Claw Carver: "No rush, pastor. It's beef tartare. A dish best served cold. My wife used to make it for me. Before some psycho killed her." 2000 AD prog 2002 (published October 2016).
Claw Carver: "The world runs on money. Always has, always will. Nothin' you can do about it, you have to join it." 2000 AD prog 2004 (published October 2016).
Pastor Sunday: "I know I've done terrible things, Carver, but I'm sick. I'm crazy. In the twenty-third I'd get help."
Claw Carver: "We're not in the twenty-third. We're in the Cret. Madness is an excuse to get yourself off the hook. You won't get off mine." 2000 AD prog 2008 (published November 2016).