The Doctor's brash, bombastic sixth incarnation swept through the universe like a tornado, accompanied by Peri Brown (until he lost her, then found her again in The Age of Chaos) and the shape-shifter Frobisher, contesting with a number of bizarre menaces such as the villainous Voyager in his own inimitable style. Mess with him and you'll end up being poisoned with cyanide or shoved into an acid bath. Somebody was over-compensating for the pleasant, open face...
Powers and abilities[]
Strength level
Corpulent Gallifreyan male.
No dress sense; carrot juice.
Umbrella; Mel.
He needs no weapon other than his own prodigious intellect!
Most of the Sixth Doctor's comic strip adventures occurred in Doctor Who Magazine (his two editions of the Doctor Who Annual had no strip content). However, he did also appear in a number of mini-comics given away free with packets of crisps (be still, my beating heart!) and he is the only Doctor to have featured in stories written by the actor who played him on television, Colin Baker (see Doctor Who: The Age of Chaos).
The Sixth Doctor is a fan of Pink Floyd (source: Business Unusual by Gary Russell).
- Appearances of The Sixth Doctor (Doctor Who)
- Character Gallery: The Sixth Doctor (Doctor Who)
- Images that feature The Sixth Doctor (Doctor Who)
- Fan-Art Gallery: The Sixth Doctor (Doctor Who)
- The Sixth Doctor (Doctor Who) quotations
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