Albion British Comics Database Wiki

The Order is a strip created by Kek-W and John M. Burns. Kek-W describes it as "a love story and a search for humanity that stretches over 10,000+ years,"1 and says that "If the series has any ongoing theme beyond mortality, it's probably the idea of fellowship. People who are defined by their 'otherness' slowly discover they have more in common than they might think."2

The first series was notable for, among other things, managing to sneak quite a few swearwords under the radar by printing them in Polish or German. It told how 'the Order' was a group of men, at least some of whom had special inherited abilities caused by belonging to select 'seedlines', and a robot knight, who protected Europe from paranormal threats in the Middle Ages. One of them took a brief break from battling the supernatural in order to beget a daughter, Anna Kohl. After the death of her mysterious, cold and distant father Anna went on a quest to discover the truth about him. She ended up reforming the Order with its surviving members — Ritterstahl, Iron John, Blazen and Schmidt — and herself, to stop the alien 'wurms' from invading Prague and perverting the natural course of history.

A second series, set in the time of Queen Elizabeth I, revealed that the Order's full name is The Order of Ouroboros, and introduced the characters of Daniel Calhoun, Intuitor Browne, Iztaccihuatl and Taras Sich.

Series three introduced the character of Donna Catalina and explored how the Order's unity began to fray, as friends became enemies and vice versa.

Series four, in 2018, featured the surprise return of former 2000 AD star Armoured Gideon.


  • The first series, The Order, began in prog 2015 (published December 2014) and ended in prog 1922
  • The second series, The Order: In the Court of the Wyrmqueen, began in prog 1961 and ended in prog 1972
  • The third series, The Order: Wyrm War, began in prog 2011 (published December 2016) and finished in prog 2022.
  • The series returned from progs 2188-2195 and 2262-2272, then in 2317.

2Thrill-Power Overload, extended edition
