In Eurasia 11 in the year 2156 AD, a time known as the New Dark Ages, unemployment is rife and poverty is everywhere, as are the brutal Europolizia. The only growth industry is genetic engineering, the creation of clones. Then the soulless clones become monsters and the only man who can stop them (and possibly prevent the rise of Mhemot the Anti-Christ) is the man behind them, the sinister Vatican-based pseudo-religious figure known as the Grudge-Father...
Powers and abilities[]
Accelerated healing; ability to 'turn on' various parts of his DNA to make his body do all sorts of strange, paranormal things.
Superhuman resistance to injury.
Strength level
The Grudge-Father first appeared in a fairly incomprehensible six-part story by Mark Millar and Jim McCarthy in 2000 AD progs 878 to 883 (1994), and returned for the story Skin Games by McCarthy and Kek-W in progs 940 to 945 (1995). Mercifully, he hasn't been seen since.
- Appearances of The Grudge-Father
- Character Gallery: The Grudge-Father
- Images that feature The Grudge-Father
- Fan-Art Gallery: The Grudge-Father
- The Grudge-Father quotations
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