Albion British Comics Database Wiki
The Bug Hunters Cover

The Bug Hunters is a serialised comic created by Jerry Paris and Pedro Henry and published in Computer and Video Games, running from October 1985 until February 1987. It spawned a short spin-off series by Jerry Paris and Garry Leach, also in Computer and Video Games, entitled Lieut. Laww about the titular character which ran from March 1987 to July 1987. The whole of The Bug Hunters series was published in a collection in 1990, by Trident Comics.[1]

The plot of The Bug Hunters revolves around the darkly humorous adventures of a team of humans and robots responsible for fixing bugs in computer games.[1]

Major Characters[]

The Bug Hunters Characters
  • Jackson T Kalliberen - An ex-military man and the leader of The Bug Hunters[2]
  • Mellisa Ravenflame - An employee of IDEAS Central, assigned the project of being the Information Controller of The Bug Hunters.[2]
  • OTISS (Overt Technical Information Suburban System) - A robot from IDEAS Development Labs, designed for organising, fast problem analysis and communications.[2]
  • B-Con - A security droid who previously worked at the Isle of Dogs Security penitentiary until it was involved (either through incompetence or corruption) in a break-out, after which it was sold to Garibaldi's Game of God Parlour to work as a spotlight and projectionist.[2]
  • Lieutenant Laww - A four-armed police robot on loan from London Metropolitan police.[3]
  • Big Red (Relocation of Explosives for Demolition) - A giant bomb disposal droid, previously working for a subsidiary of IDEAS before it accidentally destroyed a children's home[2]. An act it repeated later in the story.[4]
  • Grill - A pyro-tech robot, who previously worked at IDEAS Corp Petro-Chem Division.[3]
  • X - A "Facsim-Droid" who could provide copies of anything. Was working as a Bouncer-Bot at Garibaldi's Game of God Parlour where it met B-Con.[2]

C+VG Episodes[]

The Bug Hunters[]

C+VG Issue Date Pages Title Writer Artist
48 October 1985 45-47 - Pedro Henry Jerry Paris
49 November 1985 54-55 - Pedro Henry Jerry Paris
50 December 1985 64-65 - Pedro Henry Jerry Paris
51 January 1986 117-118, 120-122 The Snow Job! Pedro Henry Jerry Paris
53 March 1986 85-87, 89 Magnets Pedro Henry Jerry Paris
54 April 1986 91-92, 94-95 Playing God Pedro Henry Jerry Paris
55 May 1986 85-87, 89 Red Goes Ape Pedro Henry Jerry Paris
56 June 1986 101-103 Assault on I.C. Jerry Paris Jerry Paris
57 July 1986 97-98, 100 Sherman Jerry Paris Jerry Paris
58 August 1986 98, 100-101 The Man Jerry Paris Jerry Paris
59 September 1986 97-98, 100 The Creature Must Die! Jerry Paris Jerry Paris
60 October 1986 111-112, 114 The Steel Madness Part One Jerry Paris Jerry Paris
61 November 1986 129-130, 132 The Steel Madness Part Two Jerry Paris Jerry Paris
63 January 1987 157-158, 160-161 The Steel Madness Part Three Jerry Paris Jerry Paris
64 February 1987 124-125, 127-128 The Steel Madness Part Four Jerry Paris Jerry Paris

Lieut. Laww[]

C+VG Issue Date Pages Title Writer Artist
65 March 1987 110-113 - Jerry Paris, Garry Leach Jerry Paris
66 April 1987 109-110, 112-113 Episode Two Jerry Paris, Garry Leach Jerry Paris
67 May 1987 109-110 Episode Three Jerry Paris, Garry Leach Jerry Paris
68 June 1987 126, 128 Episode Four Jerry Paris, Garry Leach Jerry Paris
69 July 1987 125-127 Episode Five Jerry Paris, Garry Leach Jerry Paris


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Bug Hunters: The Forgotten 80s Comic Series
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Computer and Video Games, October 1985, Issue 48, Pages 45-47
  3. 3.0 3.1 Computer and Video Games, October 1986, Issue 60, Pages 111-112, 114
  4. Computer and Video Games, November 1985, Issue 49, Pages 54-55