Princess Taiyin, the Empress of an apparently rather minor interstellar Empire, was being held hostage by the Daleks to ensure her people's compliance when she first encountered the more than slightly unstable Abslom Daak, Dalek Killer. Daak 'rescued' the Princess (who was nonetheless horrified by both his attitude and his language) from her luxurious confinement, and rather predictably fell deeply in love with her. Whether it could ever possibly have worked out, we'll never know, as Taiyin was shot dead by a Dalek shortly afterwards, while she was in the middle of telling Daak that she loved him back.
Daak, driven insane (well, more insane) by grief, swore to avenge Taiyin by killing every damned stinking Dalek in the galaxy. He also began carting her corpse around with him everywhere in a stasis capsule, apparently in the hope that he could one day find a way of reviving her. So far, he's had no luck.
Powers and abilities[]
Strength level
She's dead.
Stasis capsule.
In later years, Daak began referring to the deceased Taiyin as his wife, though they were never actually married and barely even had any kind of relationship before her death.
- Appearances of Taiyin
- Character Gallery: Taiyin
- Images that feature Taiyin
- Fan-Art Gallery: Taiyin
- Taiyin quotations
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