Superman Annuals have been published in Britain since 1951, published by first Atlas Publishing & Distributing Ltd, then by Top Sellers, London Editions Magazines, Fleetway, Grandreams, and more recently Pedigree and Titan Books. In addition there was a 1973 edition published by Brown Watson, who also published the Superman/Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder Annual's, and there were three editions of the Superman Storybook Annual published by World Distributors from 1967-1969. The 1981 edition has a cover by Kevin O'Neill, the 1983 edition by Brian Bolland, and 1984 by Bryan Talbot. Endpapers for the 1982 edition were drawn by Steve Dillon, 1983 by Dave Gibbons. The 1985 annual contains text stories by Alan Moore and Jamie Delano (illustrated by Bob Wakelin and Bryan Talbot), the 1986 one contains text stories by Grant Morrison and Peter Milligan.
1968 (Storybook, World Distributors)
1969 (Storybook, World Distributors)
1970 (Storybook, World Distributors)
1981, first labelled as London Editions Magazines.
Superman/Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder Annual (click link for individual issues)
Superboy Annuals (click link for individual issues)