Appearing in "Dogfight with Death!"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
Other characters:
- Mr Waxman (dies)
- Herbie, Dai Thomas' nephew
- Race track
- M1
- Scotland Yard
- Superhero museum
- Jet belt
- Gun firing explosive bullets that can atomise steel
- Atomic wristlets
- Lasso
- 'Lightning bolt' (weapon that electrocutes people)
- Racing car with gold-plated engine
- Lorry
Synopsis for "Dogfight with Death!"[]
Captain Britain regains consciousness. Slaymaster uses his 'jet belt' to fight him in the air, hence the episode's title. He then flies away to rendezvous with the lorry driven by his henchmen, who have stolen Major Gunn's valuable racing car. They are rewarded for their diligence by being killed and dumped on the M1. Captain Britain, knowing that Dai Thomas has a grudge against him, decides that the best way to arrange a meeting with him is to fly through his office window without opening it first, showering Thomas with broken glass. They discuss the Slaymaster. Thomas' sister rings to tell him that his nephew is in London, visiting a new 'superhero museum'. Captain Britain realises that its owner, Mr Waxman, must be Slaymaster's next victim, because Slaymaster is targeting collectors. In the museum, a wax figure of Electro-Man comes to life and kills Mr Waxman as Dai Thomas' horrified nephew Herbie watches. It was Slaymaster in disguise all along. Captain Britain arrives and Slaymaster zaps him with a lightning bolt.
Published by Marvel UK in October 1977.
If Slaymaster is killing people in ways related to their surname, how did two victims named in the previous episode, Lord Quayne and Luke Lane, die? Perhaps Lane was buried alive under a newly-built road.
Recommended reading[]
The next comic in this series.
Links and references[]
See also: Captain Britain trade paperback.