Appearing in "Hell Island Climax!"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
- Julie Vane, a film starlet
- General Mayhew
- Bert Bullard, a trained athlete
- Artie Zampa, a London rackets boss
Other characters:
- Fong, Doctor Claw's giant henchman
- Eden Island
- Star sceptre
- Doctor Claw's flying wheelchair
- Jet plane
Synopsis for "Hell Island Climax!"[]
Captain Britain knocks Fong unconscious. Doctor Claw flies away in his jet-propelled wheelchair and attacks Captain Britain with blasts of air, a bright light and flying knives. Captain Britain is unvanquished, so Claw flies away to a base he has hidden in a volcano. He makes lava rain on Captain Britain, who repels it with the forcefield generated by his star sceptre. Captain Britain punches Claw into his own control panel, which electrocutes him. Captain Britain switches off the electricity and finds a hidden jet which he uses to take him and his companions away from Claw's island. Claw crawls through the volcano's "scalding lava" to try and stop his victims escaping, but emerges from the caldera to find himself surrounded by angry mutants. The end.
Published by Marvel UK in September 1977.
The moral of this story appears to be, "physical deformity makes you evil."
Recommended reading[]
The next comic in this series.
Links and references[]
See also: Captain Britain trade paperback.