Appearing in "A Madman's Whim!"[]
Featured characters:
Supporting characters:
- Julie Vane, a film starlet
- General Mayhew
- Bert Bullard, a trained athlete
- Artie Zampa, a London rackets boss
Other characters:
- Fong, Doctor Claw's giant henchman
- Nameless 'natives'
- Eden Island
- Ultrasonic whistle
- De-shrink ray
- Jungle car
Synopsis for "A Madman's Whim!"[]
Captain Britain escapes from the hawk. Fong has used an ultrasonic whistle to summon the island's original inhabitants, whom Doctor Claw has shrunk to a size that enables them to ride the backs of flying insects. These 'pygmy raiders' attack Captain Britain's four companions and carry them down a tunnel lined with electronic devices. Captain Britain follows. The radiation in the tunnel restores Captain Britain and the others to normal size. (The insect-riding islanders aren't seen again, which makes one wonder if, following Doctor Claw's inevitable defeat, Eden Island was subsequently populated by normal-sized people riding giant insects.) Captain Britain and his companions emerge from the tunnel into an arena. Doctor Claw tells them his origin story and then sends Fong into the arena to fight Captain Britain to the death.
Published by Marvel UK in September 1977.
This is the second time in his career that Captain Britain has been borne aloft by a bird of prey. The first time was when he was a captive of the mechanical raptor owned by Lord Hawk.
Recommended reading[]
The next comic in this series.
Links and references[]
See also: Captain Britain trade paperback.