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Appearing in "When Terror Reigns!"[]

Featured characters:

Supporting characters:


Other characters:

  • Hugo, an old retainer


  • Thames University
  • Darkmoor Castle
  • Regent's Park


  • Park bench (hurled by werewolf at Captain Britain)


  • Police car
  • Lorry

Synopsis for "When Terror Reigns!"[]

Dai Thomas and the police chase the werewolf away from the Thames University rock concert. Captain Britain, in Darkmoor Castle, goes to Courtney's bedroom, but finds only a hideous ghostly doppelgänger of her. He frightens Hugo the old retainer into telling him the Black Baron's secrets. The werewolf is in Regent's Park. Captain Britain suddenly appears (he was on his way to Thames University, guessing that the Black Baron would want to read his family history in the library). Captain Britain fights the fiend. The fight moves to Tower Bridge and the werewolf falls into the Thames. Captain Britain, unwisely assuming that it has drowned, flies back to Darkmoor Castle. So does the Black Baron, who has changed his shape from wolf to bat.


Published by Marvel UK in August 1977.


Continuity error: Captain Britain addresses the werewolf as "Lord Kemp," but a couple of pages later his thought bubble suggests that he doesn't know that the Black Baron and the werewolf are one and the same.

Recommended reading[]

The next comic in this series.

Links and references[]

See also: Captain Britain trade paperback.
