Jacqueline Falsworth was the daughter of the First World War superhero Union Jack, and the sister of his World War II era successor. Critically injured by her deranged Nazi vampire uncle Baron Blood during WWII, she was saved by a transfusion of synthetic blood from the original android Human Torch, and this gave her superhuman speed which she used as the heroine Spitfire, a member of the Invaders. Decades later, another injury led to a second transfusion from the android, which rejuvenated the now elderly Lady Jacqueline, reverting her to a physical age of sixteen and restoring her faded powers. Later, she began to exhibit some vampiric traits when under stress as a result of her original encounter with Baron Blood, but has so far managed to keep the more unsavoury aspects of the curse at bay thanks to her altered biology. She has been shown to assist in the running of the Braddock Academy, a school for young superhumans set up by Captain Britain (Brian Braddock).
Powers and abilities[]
Superhuman speed
Strength level
Greater than normal human
Though created in an American publication, Spitfire is a British character and has appeared in Marvel UK titles.
- Appearances of Spitfire
- Character Gallery: Spitfire
- Images that feature Spitfire
- Fan-Art Gallery: Spitfire
- Spitfire quotations
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