Slayd Starflight, a character from the 2000 AD strip Counterfeit Girl, was the son of the international business tycoon Sir Albion Starflight. As a young man he fell in love with Libra Kelly, the daughter of his father's head of security, and they began dating. When Sir Albion discovered this he flipped out, had his security head killed and forced the young couple to split up.
However, Slayd kept on seeing Libra behind his father's back. Libra found a no-hoper in the city slums to place her memories into before setting Starflight's men on her. Eventually the clone realised this and captured the original Libra before giving her to Starflight, and ensured Slayd's silence at the risk of his own father's wrath if he were to find out he had continued his relationship with Libra. The original Libra had her mind altered by Albion Corporation brain surgeons, making her a submissive slave to Sir Albion, much to Slayd's anguish.
Powers and abilities[]
Being handsome.
Strength level
Young human male.
Slayd is an essentially weak-willed person who follows the lead of whatever strong personality he is nearest to at the time, rather than shaping events himself. He will probably be a terrible CEO of Albion Corporation.
Electric gun.
- Appearances of Slayd Starflight
- Character Gallery: Slayd Starflight
- Images that feature Slayd Starflight
- Fan-Art Gallery: Slayd Starflight
- Slayd Starflight quotations
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