Score 'n' Roar was a football themed comic/magazine published by IPC from 12th September 1970 until June 1971. Unusually, it followed the two-comics-in-one format of Whizzer and Chips, with Roar being a pull-out insert inside Score, each of the two sections being sixteen pages long. Strips featured included Cannonball Craig, Peter the Cat (about a goalkeeper, not a feline called Peter) by Tom Kerr, Phantom of the Forest by Jesus Blasco, Trouble Shooter by Graham Allen, Jack of United, Jimmy of City and Nipper by Francisco Solano Lopez (easily the most successful strip in the comic, and later a long running feature in first Scorcher and later Tiger). The title failed partly due to being comparatively expensive and partly due to the fact that most of its prospective audience already had a football comic to read; Scorcher, into which Score 'n' Roar was eventually folded (the new title being Scorcher and Score. Roar had already been dropped by then, along with the conceit of being two titles in one).