Rachel Grey, who was originally known as Rachel Summers, was the telepathic mutant daughter of the X-Men Cyclops and Jean Grey from a possible future timeline, who had travelled back to the present day in order to prevent her own timeline from coming into existence. Rachel, who was haunted by her past actions as a brainwashed, mutant hunting "hound", first joined the X-Men before inheriting a portion of the cosmic "Phoenix Force" which had once possessed Jean Grey, eventually becoming a member of the British based team Excalibur for several years. She later rejoined the X-Men.
Powers and abilities[]
Telepathy; Telekinesis; flight.
As Phoenix, virtually limitless.
Most, though not quite all, of Phoenix's appearances in British comics have been reprints of American material.
- Appearances of Phoenix
- Character Gallery: Phoenix
- Images that feature Phoenix
- Fan-Art Gallery: Phoenix
- Phoenix quotations
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