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Real name
Base of operations

Freedom fighter
Made by humans
Place of birth
First appearance


Pause is a character from the 2000 AD series Kingdom. He was a cat-human hybrid created by the Masters (humanity's elite), who later created the dog-human hybrid or 'aux' Gene the Hackman when they found, unsurprisingly, that feline soldiers were highly intelligent but very bad at following orders or working in a team. Deemed a reject, Pause escaped into the depths of the Masters' space station and began a campaign of sabotage by hacking their computers and causing faults. The Masters thought that the faults were caused by the fact that they were using operating systems which were generations out of date, because their war against Them (the giant insects colonising Earth) was taking much longer than they had anticipated. However, they did know that Pause was alive. They called him a terrorist, but deemed the area where he was hiding too dangerous to enter with patrols.

When Gene ended up on the space station, Pause asked him to help bring down the Masters, because Gene's pure-bred aux DNA meant that he could access areas denied to Pause. He told Gene to his face that he had a genetic aversion to aux that "makes my skin crawl," but that he would put up with it because "I can use you." (Unlike the Masters, Pause was honest about the fact that he saw Gene as a tool.) Gene and Pause fought the genetic freaks lurking in the bowels of the space station together, and Gene agreed to help his new ally in return for transportation back to Earth for him and his human friend Leezee Sower. Pause agreed, because although Leezee saw him as a highly dangerous insurgent, she too was being hunted by the Masters... and she too could be used.

Leezee got access to the shuttle bay for Pause. Gene, under Pause's direction, used his pure-bred aux DNA to get access to a secure area and steal a data-chip containing some codes. These turned out to be the kill-codes for the ticks that the Masters had genetically engineered to fight Them on Earth. Without the codes, the Masters could no longer control the situation on the planet below.

For good measure, Gene also killed the original tick from which all the others had been made. It was, in fact, also the original Leezee Sower, who was now a hideous human-tick hybrid, while the one running around with Gene was a clone. Not that Pause cared. He, Gene and Leezee Mark II escaped in a space shuttle to Earth, taking the codes with them.

Powers and abilities[]


Armed combat; very good with technology; can fly a space shuttle.

Strength level

Cat-human hybrid who gets regular strenuous exercise (fighting genetic freaks).


Brutally honest.



Comlinks; uniform used to help Gene masquerade as one of the space station's aux.


Space shuttle.


Big gun.


Pause's name is a reference to the fact that he wants to 'pause' the Masters' regime (see quotes). Okay, it's not the most accurate name, but it's difficult to find a word that means 'stop', 'halt' or 'utterly eradicate' which also sounds like a name that might be given to a domestic cat.


Unlike Gene, Pause has a tail. Like Gene, Pause has fingers which end in fingernails rather than short digits which end in claws. This means he can use computer keyboards.


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