Oonagh Mullarkey was a criminal genetecist who for years conducted illegal and amoral experiments to create genetically engineered super soldiers with the financial backing of the Mys-Tech Corporation. Among her more successful experiments were the good natured but mentally deficient Killpower and the teenage super team Genetix. All of them turned against her, which perhaps gives some indication of her competence in her chosen field. Eventually, Mrs. Mullarkey used a mixture of science and magic to divide herself into two beings in an attempt to become super powerful in her own right; predictably, this also backfired spectacularly, with the "good" parts of Mullarkey's personality becoming a new individual, the shapeshifting superheroine named Plasmer, while the "evil" side remained with Mullarkey herself, its main effect apparently being to induce her to start dressing like a hooker. Sometimetimes, being an evil scientist just isn't worth the hassle...
Powers and abilities[]
Never learns from her mistakes.
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