Nick Jarvis was originally the star striker of Thamesford FC, working for manager Jim Cassidy. After a distinguished career there, however, he eventually transferred to ailing club Warbury FC, and became the player-manager of Warbury Warriors. He's had a turbulent life, notable moments being his wife's apparent death on an exploding boat on their wedding night (she later returned) and Nick himself doing jail time for alleged bribery, as well as having his leg bitten off by a shark. Nick, now the club's chief executive, is the real father of Todd Openshaw, supposedly the son of his longtime friend and employer Eric Openshaw, but this is not generally known.
Powers and abilities[]
Kicking a ball about.
Women, and occasionally getting legless.
- Nick Jarvis is the lead character in the long running football strip Striker. He has also long worn a football strip while running.
Nick eventually revealed that he had suffered from depression for many years.
- Appearances of Nick Jarvis
- Character Gallery: Nick Jarvis
- Images that feature Nick Jarvis
- Fan-Art Gallery: Nick Jarvis
- Nick Jarvis quotations
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