Mr. Sun and Mr. Moon are villains from the 2000 AD strip Strontium Dog. They were two insane entities created by a very powerful man who called himself Satan, and they served as the Day and Night Mayors of the city of Hate. The pair created tickets which allowed for escape from the Hell dimension and would release three each day, often causing chaos amongst the citizens, who killed each other for the tickets.
The two of them were later summoned among many of the other demons encountered by Johnny Alpha while travelling through the Hell Dimension and they were both likely destroyed when Satan destroyed himself and the dimension.
Powers and abilities[]
Vast magical powers including flight, body deflation/inflation, matter erasing, causing earthquakes, summoning gargoyles and more.
Strength level
Probably superhuman.
They can both be annihilated by the being who created them.
Mr. Sun and Mr. Moon talk to one another in a manner resembling that of Mr Brass and Mr Bland, later 2000 AD creations.
- Appearances of Mr. Sun and Mr. Moon
- Character Gallery: Mr. Sun and Mr. Moon
- Images that feature Mr. Sun and Mr. Moon
- Fan-Art Gallery: Mr. Sun and Mr. Moon
- Mr. Sun and Mr. Moon quotations
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