The wheelchair bound eccentric known only as "Mother" was a (male) official, seemingly of some unspecified branch of British Intelligence, who gave orders to John Steed and his partner Tara King, otherwise known as The Avengers. He was accompanied everywhere by his muscular female assistant, Rhonda, who never spoke. Nothing else is known about him, except that he had a taste for the bizarre...
Powers and abilities[]
Strength level
Quite considerable upper body strength
He can't walk.
Mother originated in the cult TV series The Avengers, and appeared infrequently in its comic strip incarnation in TV Comic. He later reappeared (drawn by Ian Gibson) in the American produced Steed & Mrs. Peel series published by Eclipse Comics in 1990-1991, as well as the follow-up series published by Boom! Studios from 2012 onwards.
Mother may have inspired the identically named female character who gave orders to Johnny Lawless in The Lawless Touch in Tornado some years later.
- Appearances of Mother (Avengers)
- Character Gallery: Mother (Avengers)
- Images that feature Mother (Avengers)
- Fan-Art Gallery: Mother (Avengers)
- Mother (Avengers) quotations
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