Car mechanic Mickey Smith was the long-suffering boyfriend of the self-centred and generally obnoxious Rose Tyler, until she met the time traveller known as The Doctor and decided that by comparison, Mickey was no long even worth even pretending to be interested in. Despite being treated like a doormat by the woman he'd inexplicably adored — and, indeed, despite being somewhat unfairly branded "Mickey the idiot" by the Doctor himself — Mr Smith nonetheless aided the Doctor on a number of occasions, even briefly joining the TARDIS crew for a while before (temporarily) relocating to another universe to get away from Rose. He eventually returned to Earth (when Rose relocated to the other universe) and hooked up with Martha Jones, who seemed to appreciate him a bit more. Mickey and Martha are now married and work as freelance alien hunters.
Powers and abilities
Good with computers and cars.
Strength level
Young human male who gets regular strenuous exercise (defending the world from extraterrestrial threats).
Low self-esteem.
Yellow truck; the TARDIS.
Big gun.
Mickey debuted on the Doctor Who TV series in 2005, but didn't make it into the comics for some years. It is possibly not surprising that he has self-esteem issues.
Mickey was played on TV by Noel Clarke.
- Appearances of Mickey Smith
- Character Gallery: Mickey Smith
- Images that feature Mickey Smith
- Fan-Art Gallery: Mickey Smith
- Mickey Smith quotations
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