Martha Jones was a medical student who travelled for a time with the wandering Time Lord known as The Doctor. She left when she realised he was never going to fancy her, since he still fancied Rose was actually a member of a completely different species, and apparently hooked up with one Mickey Smith, ex-boyfriend of the Doctor's former companion Rose Tyler. She also briefly worked for U.N.I.T, the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. Nowadays she and Mickey are married and work as freelance alien hunters who were last seen tracking down a rogue Sontaran.
Powers and abilities
Medical stuff; hunting aliens.
Strength level
Human female who gets regular exercise.
Good-looking (allegedly) 900-year-old aliens. And Mickey Smith.
(Formerly) the TARDIS.
Martha was played in the TV series Doctor Who by Freema Agyeman. Her comics appearances included runs in Doctor Who Magazine and Doctor Who Adventures and the Doctor Who Annual 2008.
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