Albion British Comics Database Wiki
2000 AD prog 1621 cover

Marauder is a comic strip about a vigilante in Mega-City One created by Robbie Morrison and Richard Elson. The first episode appeared in 2000 AD prog 2009 (published December 2008), and it was continued in progs 1617 to 1627. Pictured is Frazer Irving's cover for prog 1621, showing Danny Falcone, an ex-cadet Judge, fighting injustice in his 'Hellbender' suit. The series was reprinted as a graphic novel and issued with the Judge Dredd Megazine #327.


Marauder features characters from a Judge Dredd story by Morrison, Elson and Joseph Elson (Elson's eight-year-old son) in the Judge Dredd Megazine volume 3 issue 74, published on February 1st 2001.
