Basil Crushstone, whom his unhappy subjects called 'the Manipulator', was the former premier of the west African nation of Umbazi. He ruled the land with an iron fist, viewing its citizens as his 'serfs' and decapitating them if they put a toe out of line. Crushstone's power was reinforced by a 'mystic gem', dug up by one of his enslaved miners, that could hypnotise people into obeying his every command.
When Umbazi finally threw off the shackles of tyranny, its deposed despot was incensed. He travelled to England and took to wandering through the happy crowds in London who were celebrating Queen Elizabeth II's silver jubilee, mentally berating the mindless 'sheep' surrounding him.
Fortunately for him, Crushstone was apparently an extremely talented scientist. He established a secret laboratory in an abandoned spur of the London underground and built a machine that could brainwash people by beaming light through his magical jewel into their 'third eye'. When his subordinate the Highwayman stumbled across Captain Britain and managed to capture him, the Manipulator brainwashed the hero into attacking the Queen. The Highwayman saved the Queen, was given a tour of Buckingham Palace as a reward, and used the tour to swap the Queen's favourite diamond ring for one containing the aforementioned mystic gem (apparently identical in size, shape and colour to the Queen's sparkler of choice).
This is all very well, but it makes one wonder what the Manipulator would have done if the Highwayman had not happened to bump into Captain Britain on the M20 — an encounter that appears to have been entirely unpremeditated and coincidental.
Anyway, the Manipulator beamed a signal into the Queen's ring which made her command the Royal Navy, which she was inspecting at Portsmouth, to invade and reconquer Umbazi. This plan was foiled by Captain Britain. The Manipulator himself tried to escape in one of the Ark Royal's fighter jets, but he crashed into the sea and died because Dai Thomas had earlier drained all the aeroplanes' fuel tanks. As Captain Britain thought to himself as he watched the plane descend beneath the waves: Sic semper tyrannis!
Powers and abilities[]
Leadership skills; highly intelligent scientific and engineering genius who can build brainwashing machines, stun-blast-firing monocles, and motorcycles with laser cannon.
Strength level
Middle-aged human male who gets regular light exercise.
He thinks that the ideal sidekick to help him regain control of Umbazi — an entire country — is a thug from a motorcycle gang. The man is clearly unhinged. Perhaps prolonged exposure to his mystic gem's "mind-warping radiation" has rotted his brain.
Brainwashing machine powered by a 'mystic gem' dug up in Umbazi; throne which shoots jets of nerve gas from its arms; cloak which electrocutes people who try to seize him.
Fighter jet; the Ark Royal.
The scar on Crushstone's right cheek isn't shown in his profile picture, but it was there in all his comic appearances.
- The character of Basil Crushstone may have been inspired by that of Kurtz in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. For example, Kurtz also liked to decapitate people and put their heads on poles.
- The name 'Basil' comes from a Greek word meaning 'king'.
- Appearances of Manipulator
- Character Gallery: Manipulator
- Images that feature Manipulator
- Fan-Art Gallery: Manipulator
- Manipulator quotations
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