The Malevilus were a race of bat-like aliens described as "a form of anti-life that feeds off death". Five of them — Magog (their leader), Babiyon, Abbiss, Epok and Nekros — took control of the Roman Empire on an alternate Earth and led it to victory over the galaxy, using the robotic soldiers of General Ironicus's Iron Legion. The Malevilus initially took on the forms of Roman gods, but Magog later adopted a shape which allowed him to directly infiltrate the Empire, that of the mother of the child Emperor Adolphus. The Doctor showed the people the true faces of their gods, leading them to revolt. Four of the Malevilus were killed when their spacecraft exploded as they tried to escape, while the Doctor trapped Magog forever in an empty dimension within his TARDIS.
Powers and abilities[]
Various, mostly undocumented, including flight and pyrokinesis.
Can change shape at will.
The Malevilus, which first appeared in 1979, have certain similarities to the Krillitanes, bat-like shapeshifters which appeared in televised Doctor Who in 2006. Just sayin'.
- Appearances of Malevilus
- Character Gallery: Malevilus
- Images that feature Malevilus
- Fan-Art Gallery: Malevilus
- Malevilus quotations