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Albion British Comics Database Wiki

What ho, chaps! Lofty's One-Man Luftwaffe, by those old stalwarts, writers Pat Mills, Johnny Wagner and Charlie-boy Herring and plucky little foreign artist Paolo Ongaro, serialised in the first eighteen issues of the mighty Battle Picture Weekly, was the thrilling tale of one Dave "Lofty" Banks, a sterling chap who escaped from a German stalag in 1943 and, due to a dashed odd set of circumstances, ended up adopting the identity of a dead Nazi air ace, one Major Ranke, and joining the bally Luftwaffe! Good old Lofters immediately saw the potential advantages to his strange situation and began operating undercover, using his own formidable flying skills and the Jerries' natural stupidity to wage a one-man war on them from within their own air force! Luckily, for months the Hun proved far too dense to ever notice that every mission the daring Major ever went on invariably ended with him being the sole survivor of his own patrol and absolutely no RAF types ever being shot down or even captured. Sadly, all good things must come to an end, and in this case it happened when an unusually astute Nazi Colonel named Stumpf came across an old photo of the real Major Ranke and realised our man Banks looked nothing like him! Lofty fled back to Blighty, but was persuaded to return to Krautland for one last crack at Jerry, taking on old Stumpfy and giving him a sound thrashing before coming home to pick up a well-deserved medal. "I'm honoured", quipped Lofty, "just so long as it's not an Iron Cross!" Good show, Lofters!

The whole stirring saga was reprinted in 2018 in Lofty's One-Man Luftwaffe, given away free with an issue of that dashed queer Judge Dredd Megazine thingy.
