Doctor Elizabeth Shaw was a scientist at Cambridge University who was effectively drafted into UNIT (the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce) in order to serve as its scientific adviser. This would have irritated Liz (and, indeed, did) even if she hadn't subsequently been supplanted in that role by The Doctor and ended up basically just passing him test tubes while waiting to be attacked by the next passing lizard man. Having evidently convinced Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart that she was surplus to requirements, Liz returned to Cambridge after a few months. According to one account, however, she has since returned to working for UNIT on their Moonbase, while in the 1990s she apparently worked for some time for P.R.O.B.E. (the Preternatural Research Bureau; yes, obviously there's no 'O' in it, just go with it, okay?).
In the future the Moon turned out to be the egg of a giant space dragon, and hatched. Hopefully U.N.I.T had evacuated their base by then.
Powers and abilities[]
Meteor expert; medical doctor; quantum physicist; IQ of over 200.
Liz's comics appearances include the Doctor Who Annual and issues of Doctor Who Magazine.
Liz was played on TV by Caroline John.
- Appearances of Liz Shaw
- Character Gallery: Liz Shaw
- Images that feature Liz Shaw
- Fan-Art Gallery: Liz Shaw
- Liz Shaw quotations
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