The Junkheap That Walks Like A Man is a character from the Marvel UK strip Captain Britain. As Captain Britain was getting his bearings on the new world he found himself in by questioning some local homeless people, they were attacked by a creature composed of discarded household appliances and other rubbish. When the vagrants scattered away from the monster Captain Britain jumped into action and began defending them.
The creature proclaimed that it wanted to "destroy humanity" because human beings had discarded its different parts while they were still in working order. (In other words, it wanted to destroy people because their actions had led to its existence. This doesn't make a great deal of sense.) As the creature begins its rampage, it curiously evolved into high-tech weaponry, with which it eliminated all police opposition without a moment's hesitation.
As the battle commenced between the creature and Captain Britain, he knocked it off a bridge and into the water, which it seems was the creature's weakness. As the creature crawled its way out of the water, trying to return to the junk heap it came from, its different parts began to fall away and revert back to their original forms. Finally the remaining pieces disintegrated as it attempted to reach a mysterious liquid that was coming from a storm drain.
Powers and abilities[]
Able to rapidly evolve new weaponry to deal with threats as they occur.
Armed combat.
Strength level
Large bodies of water are fatal to it, as they drain away its life energy and it reverts to decaying, rusted junk.
- Appearances of Junkheap That Walks Like A Man
- Character Gallery: Junkheap That Walks Like A Man
- Images that feature Junkheap That Walks Like A Man
- Fan-Art Gallery: Junkheap That Walks Like A Man
- Junkheap That Walks Like A Man quotations
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