Joy Hogg was a famous biker in the violent sport known as Babe Race 2000, a real classic story from 2000 AD. Joy had all the classic hallmarks of a good character such as a character with vague and constantly changing motivations, an overused "tough girl" type personality, an ass way too big for her bodily proportions and a rather poor choice of biking gear (okay maybe that last one is a bit unfair as Anthony Williams' gorgeous art and design work is the best thing about this dreck).
At the beginning of a new Babe Race, Hogg made friends with a newbie biker named Alex and the two quickly formed a partnership. Hogg and Alex managed to get a good lead over the other racers (who all died eventually) with their only real competition being Hogg's rival Teaser and her partner Spud. Eventually Teaser decided to try and take the glory for herself, setting Spud on fire and murdering Alex on the street.
Hogg promised to avenge Alex's death and hunted Teaser down. She found Teaser and after a savage fight, Hogg shot her enemy in the throat, cutting her head clean off. Afterwards, Hogg made her way to the finish line. However, instead of crossing it she threw Teaser's severed head across the line and announced that she would be quitting Babe Race to go and start a family.
Later, after marrying a plastic surgeon, Hogg became a bounty hunter to bring in a little extra money for the family.
Powers and abilities[]
Armed combat; riding a motorcycle; locating perps.
Strength level
Human female who gets regular strenuous exercise.
Her motorcycle.
Lots of guns.
- Appearances of Joy Hogg
- Character Gallery: Joy Hogg
- Images that feature Joy Hogg
- Fan-Art Gallery: Joy Hogg
- Joy Hogg quotations