Jo Grant was an inexperienced but good-hearted, courageous and determined young woman who was assigned by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart of U.N.I.T to be the Doctor's assistant because he'd been forced to hire her and had no idea what else to do with her. She aided the Doctor for some years and at one point even offered to sacrifice her life so that he might live (an action the ungrateful Doctor described as "ridiculous and foolhardy"). Jo ended up falling in love with a Welsh eco-nut and heading off up the Amazon in search of mushrooms. She was reunited with the Doctor (in his eleventh incarnation) a few decades later.
Powers and abilities[]
Can pick locks; good actor (she once pretended to be a princess when she visited the planet Peladon, where only women of royal blood were allowed to enter the throne room); excellent head for heights; is a martial artist who can take down men twice her weight.
Strength level
Human female who gets regular strenuous exercise (climbing cliffs, running away from Daleks, etc).
Because she's blonde and rather clumsy, people tend to assume she's unintelligent. She isn't.
Jo Grant's comics appearances in her 1970s heyday were mainly confined to editions of the Doctor Who Annual, though she has since cropped up in other publications including Doctor Who Magazine.
Jo Grant was played on TV by Katy Manning.
- Appearances of Jo Grant
- Character Gallery: Jo Grant
- Images that feature Jo Grant
- Fan-Art Gallery: Jo Grant
- Jo Grant quotations
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