Iron Aggie was the robot Prime-Minister of the robot dominated Brit-Cit, a sprawling metropolis occupying what had formerly been Great Britain. She hired Robo-Hunter Sam C Slade to investigate the anti-robot terrorist organisation known as The Human League during the City's first National Song Year, but was subeequently assassinated by Slade, who believed she had been replaced by an imposter. She was later revived by Slade after he discovered that he had been tricked by the leader of the League, actually Aggie's treacherous Home Secretary, Sir Oswald Modroid. The Prime Droid personally beat up Modroid and had him locked up, before cancelling National Song Year at Slade's request.
Powers and abilities[]
Iron will (and iron everything else)
Aggie was clearly modelled on Britain's then Prime-Minister, Margaret Thatcher, who was known as W"the Iron Lady".
- Appearances of Iron Aggie
- Character Gallery: Iron Aggie
- Images that feature Iron Aggie
- Fan-Art Gallery: Iron Aggie
- Iron Aggie quotations
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