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Hulk Comic 39
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Appearing in "The Incredible Hulk"[]

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Incredible Hulk"[]

  • Synopsis not yet written.

Appearing in "The Black Knight"[]

Featured characters:

Supporting characters:


  • Guardian of the Ebony Blade

Other characters:

  • Sir Percy of Scandia
  • Tour guide


  • Garrett Castle


  • The Ebony Blade


  • None

Synopsis for "The Black Knight"[]

Sir Percy of Scandia tells Dane Whitman that Merlyn put him into an enchanted sleep until the time when "the spirit of Modred the Evil once more stalks the land." Then he would live again through another. That time is now, and Sir Percy of Scandia will live through his descendant Dane Whitman, if he is found worthy of wielding the Ebony Blade, a sword which Merlyn made for Sir Percy from the metal of a fallen star. Dane grasps the sword, which is held by a hand sticking out from the wall, and Sir Percy vanishes. The hand turns out to belong to the guardian of the Ebony Blade. Dane proves his worthiness by defeating him in combat. The guardian crumbles away to dust and Dane loses consciousness, waking up in a different part of Garrett Castle. The tour guide finds him and thinks he's drunk. Dane vows that the Black Knight shall live again through him.


Published by Marvel UK in November 1979.


The sound made by an ancient menace which has lain dormant for more than a millennium bursting through a wall is WHRAMM!

Recommended reading[]

The next comic in this series.

Links and references[]

See also: Captain Britain.
