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Hulk Comic UK 27
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Appearing in "The Incredible Hulk"[]

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Commander Vord
  • Krang

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Incredible Hulk"[]

Learning that the Quaarn, aliens from another dimension, are planning on invading Earth, Bruce Banner transforms into the Hulk and goes on a rampage on their ship. When their weapons fail to stop the Hulk, the Quaarn beings flee into another part of the ship and seal the Hulk behind a massive door.

The Hulk begins to pound against the door but fails to break through. Deciding to try and access another part of the ship some other way, the Hulk finds a vent that leads him to the engine room. Looking at all the sophisticated equipment, the Hulk remarks that this is a good place to start smashing things.

Appearing in "The Black Knight"[]

Featured characters:

Supporting characters:


Other characters:

  • Galgoth, receiver of the dead



  • Merlyn's staff
  • Excalibur


  • None

Synopsis for "The Black Knight"[]

Standing atop the gates of Netherworld, Merlyn transforms his wooden staff into a wand with the power to save Captain Britain from his fate. Captain Britain grasps the wand and Merlyn commands it to rise, but the "currents of doom" are strong and will not release the dead hero. Also, demons at the gate of Netherworld, including Galgoth, receiver of the dead (who sounds like he's basically a supernatural bureaucrat), are miffed that Merlyn is trying to subvert the natural course of events.

Back in Otherworld, the Black Knight is immobilised by the forest trolls and their sidekicks, evil trees. Mordred appears and tries to pick up Excalibur, but it bursts into flames at his touch because he isn't worthy. He abandons his plan of using the sword to kill the Black Knight, and instead sets fire to Merlyn's entranced body.

Appearing in "The Hulk and Captain America"[]

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Hulk and Captain America"[]

Reprint of Captain American #230


Published by Marvel UK in September 1979.


The sound of a gnarled branch being transformed with a blaze of light into an elegant wand is BLOOMPH!

Recommended reading[]

The next comic in this series.

Links and references[]

See also: Captain Britain.
