Hamish Balfour was a good natured giant of a man (6"10) from one of the Hebrides islands off the coast of Scotland, who proved to have a talent for football almost as great as his talent for causing mayhem. Hired by struggling Scottish club Princes Park FC, his devastating "Hot Shot" kick (which routinely busted goal nets, and on occasion was known to bring down neighbouring buildings) quickly became an invaluable asset to the club, and for its manager Ian McWhacker. Hamish was almost invariably accompanied by his eccentric "Daddie", and by his psychotic "wee pet sheep", McMutton. Hamish later gained a lifelong friend in English player Kevin "Mighty" Mouse.
Powers and abilities[]
Strength level
Frankly, improbably strong.
Can't get shirts to fit him.
After Scorcher folded, Hamish got a transfer to Tiger, and later to Roy of the Rovers.
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