Surgeon Lt. Harry Sullivan was a naval surgeon who was seconded to U.N.I.T. as its medical officer. He travelled in the TARDIS for a time with The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith, and was last heard of doing something terribly hush-hush at Porton Down.
It later transpired that what he was doing was developing Z67, a.k.a. 'Sullivan's gas', which would kill every Zygon on the planet by turning them inside out. The Doctor stole the gas, on the grounds that Harry Sullivan was still an imbecile.
Powers and abilities[]
Stiff upper lip
Being a doctor.
Strength level
Human male who gets regular exercise (running away from robots, Daleks, Cybermen etc).
(Formerly) the TARDIS.
Harry's comics début came in the Doctor Who Annual, but artist Paul Crompton seemed to have been provided with little or no reference material as neither of the versions of Harry that he drew in separate stories bore any resemblance to the Harry seen on TV (see gallery).
Harry was played on TV by actor Ian Marter.
- Appearances of Harry Sullivan
- Character Gallery: Harry Sullivan
- Images that feature Harry Sullivan
- Fan-Art Gallery: Harry Sullivan
- Harry Sullivan quotations
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