Graham is a retired bus driver who moved from Essex to Sheffield to be with his wife, Grace, a nurse who helped him recover from cancer. After they had been married for three years Grace was killed by an alien warrior and Graham decided to travel the universe with the Doctor, his step-grandson Ryan Sinclair and a police officer called Yasmin Khan who used to be one of Ryan's schoolmates. Graham is more cautious and reserved than Ryan and Yasmin, but he still welcomes the opportunity to see more astonishing sights, places and people than he could ever have dreamed of by travelling in the Doctor's TARDIS. He just wishes that Grace could see them with him.
Powers and abilities[]
He can drive a bus.
Strength level
Elderly human male who gets regular light exercise.
Always carries a sandwich.
Graham is played on TV by Bradley Wash.
- Graham regularly refers to the Doctor as 'Doc', but she doesn't seem to mind.
- Graham is a fan of Call the Midwife, but looks away at what he calls "the squeamish bits."
- Appearances of Graham O'Brien
- Character Gallery: Graham O'Brien
- Images that feature Graham O'Brien
- Fan-Art Gallery: Graham O'Brien
- Graham O'Brien quotations
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