Garth Ennis is a comics writer from Northern Ireland whose first published work was the Northern Ireland-based series Troubled Souls, in the critically acclaimed adult anthology Crisis in 1989, followed by its more comedic sequel For a Few Troubles More, and the religious satire True Faith. Graduating from Crisis to its parent title 2000 AD, Ennis quickly took over the writing chores on Judge Dredd for a lengthy run, as well as creating The Corps (Judges in space), Time Flies (a surreal comedy), Tempus Fugitive (the sequel of Time Flies) and Sleeze 'n' Ryder (in the Judge Dredd Megazine).
Ennis has since carved out a successful career in the American comics industry, notably creating the hit series Preacher (later made into a television series) and the fan favourite Hitman for DC Comics. He has also worked extensively for many other publishers including Marvel Comics, Wildstorm, Black Bull, Avatar, and Dynamite Entertainment. Something of an historian, he has a particular fondness for telling stories based in World War II. In 2022, he created a new series based on Hawk the Slayer 2000 AD publishers Rebellion.
According to 2000 AD prog 705, Ennis' favourite food is Guinness and his favourite obsession is "lunatics who make a big deal out of being Irish because of some third generation ancestry or something, and then rant constantly about it." He got started in comics because "I had to escape from the horrors of university somehow. You know something's wrong when you're wandering around the student union looking for places to hide the bodies."