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This page contains a list of all the comics included in Fantastic Vol 1: .
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Fantastic was published as one of the Odhams Power Comics line between 18th February 1967 and 26th October 1968, a total of 89 weekly issues featuring a mixture of UK-originated strips (including the Colossus, Matt Marvel, Lawman of the Future and Luis Bermejo's Missing Link, later reinvented as 'Johnny Future') and licensed American Marvel reprints such as the Avengers, Thor, Iron Man and the X-Men. The title later absorbed its sister publication Terrific. Some issues featured original pin-ups of Marvel characters which, along with those in Terrific, are the earliest published work of legendary artist Barry Windsor Smith. Three Fantastic Annuals were published between late 1967 and late 1969, dated 1968-1970.

Cover Gallery

Annuals Gallery

See Also:

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